Sheri L. Nevlin
Attorney at Law
Guiding You On the Path Towards Financial Freedom.
About our firm
Since 2003, our firm has proudly served the needs of individuals and families in the Puget Sound region. We believe everyone deserves a fresh start with their finances, and we understand that bad things happen to good people. We listen to our clients and work together with them to determine the most optimal solution for their financial situation and legal needs. Our mission is to provide excellent client service and personal attention at affordable rates.
Free, No Obligation Consultations
We are always happy to chat with you over the phone to make an initial assessment of your situation. Brief telephone consultations are complimentary and are encouraged prior to scheduling your in-person meeting with one of our attorneys. At your in-person meeting with an attorney, you will be provided with legal advice and a plan that will best meet your needs. Our firm is family friendly and welcomes children in order to better serve our clients.
Rates and Payment Plans
Our low rates are typically charged on a flat fee basis. This means no surprise fees. If your case can be handled on a flat fee basis, we will be happy to provide you with an estimate at the time of your free initial consultation. In some cases, payment plans can be arranged that will fit your budget. Please ask for details during your complimentary consultation.
Discounted Rates Are Offered for the following individuals and their spouses:
- Active Duty & Retired Military.
- DOD Employees.
- Law Enforcement.
- Senior Citizens receiving Social Security or Pension income.
- Individuals with a disability on Social Security.
Our office has extensive experience helping individuals and married couples filing for bankruptcy. We have developed a streamlined no hassle experience for our bankruptcy clients and all cases are charged on a flat fee basis. We can usually assess what type of bankruptcy may be right for you with a quick telephone consultation. If a bankruptcy is not the best option for your situation, we will guide you through other options. We will determine whether creditors can be collecting on your debts under applicable laws. An assessment will be made to determine if your income or property is at risk if you choose to "wait it out" and cease making payments to some or all of your creditors. Our debt resolution services include the following options:
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Sometimes called a "straight" or "liquidation" bankruptcy, Chapter 7 can best be described as a "Fresh Start" with your finances because most types of debt are completely extinguished through the Chapter 7 process. Most average and many higher income wage earners will qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
It is a common myth that you will lose your property in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. For most people, this simply is not the case, especially if you hire a competent and experienced attorney who knows how to utilize the bankruptcy laws to protect your income and assets. As a general rule, the Chapter 7 process takes about 4 months from beginning to end and usually requires only one fairly informal hearing before a Chapter 7 Trustee. This hearing is usually scheduled approximately one month after your case is filed. Your attorney will accompany you at this hearing and will inform you of what to expect.
Many of our clients feel an overwhelming sense of relief and reduction in stress levels when the short process concludes and the Bankruptcy Court approves an Order of Discharge in their case. Being able to legally walk away from the burden of their debts allows our clients to move forward with their lives and focus on future goals.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
There are a lot of misconceptions about Chapter 13 Bankruptcy that prevent people from seeking the relief that a Chapter 13 filing can provide. Many people think they will have to pay back every penny they owe to their creditors. This simply isn't the case for so many. A Chapter 13 repayment plan is a complex calculation that should be left to an experienced attorney to formulate. Many factors such as current and future income, character and value of assets, degree and types of liabilities, and whether you have filed for bankruptcy in prior years all come into the mix when calculating a monthly payment plan. Chapter 13 is a powerful debt resolution tool and can help you with the following:
- Instantly halt a foreclosure of your home or other real property and provide you with time to make important decisions about your property.
- Provide up to 60 months to catch up on house, car, and other secured payments.
- Reinstate a driver's license that has been suspended due to civil infractions and/or criminal fines.
- Force creditors to defer direct payments for up to 60 months (i.e. student loans, tax debt, criminal fines).
- Discharge of certain debts that are not normally discharged in Chapter 7.
- Obtain relief from creditors if you have already filed for Chapter 7 in the last 8 years.
- Permit higher income earners to obtain relief from their creditors.
- Provide debtors with an option to protect assets from liquidation if some or all assets exceed allowances under bankruptcy law.
Debt Settlement
If after after a thorough consultation we believe that bankruptcy isn't the best choice for your situation, we will analyze whether a debt settlement agreement can be pursued with one or more of your creditors. Although we can't make guarantees, many creditors are open to negotiating some type of resolution. The most common debt settlement agreements include a reduction in the balance to be paid, lower interest rate, agreement to accept lower payments, or a combination of any or all of these options.
foreclosure prevention - Mortgage loan modification
If you are struggling to make your monthly mortgage payments, we can help. We have successfully represented numerous homeowners with saving their homes from foreclosure. It is imperative that you call us as soon as you realize you are experiencing financial trouble. Due to new Federal and State laws, there are more options available for mortgage loan borrowers, but strict deadlines apply. We offer the following legal services to homeowners facing foreclosure:
- Loss Mitigation Mediation pursuant to the Washington State Foreclosure Fairness Act.
- Mortgage Loan Modification, Forbearance, Extension of Foreclosure Sale Date.
- Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure.
- Short Sale in Lieu of Foreclosure.
- Mortgage Repayment and/or delay of foreclosure through Bankruptcy.
*Successful outcome of any of the above are contingent upon many factors and are subject to legally binding agreements with mortgage lenders and/or secured creditors, or court approval, whichever is applicable to the client's unique situation.
real property short sale representation
Thankfully, our local housing market has recovered from the unprecedented real estate crash that occurred in 2008. This means that fewer people are "upside down" on their homes and are able to sell their properties without approval from their mortgage lenders. For various reasons, many homeowners continue to be in a negative equity position. In some cases, expensive closing costs create a shortage of net proceeds for the homeowner at closing. If you are facing a similar situation, do not give up. We are experienced with negotiating short sale transactions with mortgage lenders and secured creditors. In many cases, the seller can request that the buyer contribute to the cost of our services, which means sellers may not need cash up front to pay for their legal costs. Call us for a free consultation so we can help you decide if a short sale transaction is the right option for you.
Marital Dissolution - Family law
Divorce or Legal Separation is the last resort for many couples. We believe that any decision to take legal action in the family courts shouldn't be taken lightly and these cases must be handled by knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate attorneys and legal professionals. If you are in need of some advice about how a divorce or separation will affect you and your family, please do not hesitate to call us for a complimentary consultation. We offer the following family law related services:
- Flat fee marital dissolution/divorce/child custody & parenting disputes. In some cases no court appearance is required.
- Collaborative marital dissolution/divorce/child custody & parenting disputes. A Collaborative Law participation agreement is required by both parties involved in the dispute. This means that both sides have agreed to follow a cooperative process whereby decisions are made by the parties with the assistance of their attorneys, rather than the court. This process can be a very effective and a less costly way of resolving a family law matter. Some find that the process causes less emotional distress because the parties are in control, rather than the court. For more information on the Collaborative Law process please give us a call and visit the following sites:
Sheri L. Nevlin, Attorney
"I believe everyone deserves a fresh financial start and access to affordable and quality legal services."
Sheri has a combined 25 years of experience serving consumers in several capacities. As a consumer attorney, Sheri utilizes her broad experience she has acquired from several years of working in banking, real estate, and title and escrow. Sheri also worked on consumer matters in the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Washington, and financial issues in General Counsel's Office of the United States Securities and Exchange in Washington, D.C. Sheri has received advanced training in several areas of consumer protection law, debtor/creditor issues, and collaborative law.
Sheri is a native of Pierce County and she feels blessed that she can serve the needs of families in her own hometown communities. When Sheri isn't working with her clients, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Sheri loves it when the "mountain is out." She looks forward to weekend trips throughout the Northwest region and she frequently hikes the many beautiful trails in the Cascade Mountains.
Licensing Information
Washington State Bar Association, Member
State of Washington, Licensed Real Estate Broker
State of Washington, Licensed Notary Public
Go to avvo.com to see what clients are saying about Sheri.
Absolutely Awesome
"Ms. Sheri was very personable. She was there whenever I needed her. It was a smooth transition from a Chapter 13 conversion to a Chapter 7. I would absolutely recommend her! I wish I'd hired her originally. I cant thank her enough."
Very Helpful & Very Professional
"Sheri was amazing in helping me figure out which chapter was best for me to file in. She took her time to explain the difference between a 7 & 13. Filing bankruptcy isn't something to take lightly, but her professionalism through the whole process made me have the confidence to know that I was making the right decision. It always feels good to leave an appointment feeling like all your questions were answered and having a clear vision of what the next steps will be and what to expect. Sheri was referred to me and I'll definitely refer her onto others in my circle who may one day need her services."
One of the best in the business
"Sheri was an amazing attorney, very professional and helpful. Sheri, made a very scary situation extremely easy to deal with. Thanks again."
Drop us a line
We do our best to respond to your inquiry within one business day.
University Place, WA 98466By appointment only.253.376.3917 Fax: 253.590.0234disclaimer
The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to be intended as legal advice or to create an attorney-client relationship. Absent a formal written retainer agreement for legal services to be rendered by Sheri L. Nevlin, Attorney, no attorney-client relationship exists. Sheri L. Nevlin, Attorney does not endorse or recommend any organization or entity that may be linked on this site, and such links are for informational purposes only.
Federal law requires that Sheri L. Nevlin, Attorney disclose that the firm is a debt relief agency and that Sheri L. Nevlin, Attorney helps people file for bankruptcy pursuant to the United States Bankruptcy Code.
© 2017